How desperate are they? The campaigner-in-chief, the commander-in-grief, Chairman Maobama, the undocumented president himself is going to Massachusetts this weekend. I guess he will be returning to his roots as a thug street organizer whipping up or intimidating support for his communist candidates.
We must do EVERYTHING we can to break the left's tyrannical stranglehold on our government before they strangle America.
To the citizens of the great state of Massachusetts who are awakening from their 3 decade slumber, God bless you. Stand strong. When the Black Panthers, and the SEIU and ACORN thugs try to intimidate you and keep you from the polls, overwhelm them and push back. They are trying to steal YOUR VOICE.
If you see ANY irregularities concerning this election, DOCUMENT IT WITH VIDEO AND PICTURES. Don't let them steal this election from you. I have a feeling that this election is more in Scott Brown's favor than the polls show, but with the lopsided liberal money and corruption advantage they are like cornered animals. They are very dangerous.
Stand up, America! Donate whatever you can to help the people of Massachusetts shirk the bonds of liberalism, and in turn send the message that the rest of America won't stand for this bum rush toward socialism, communism, and oppression.
Original Post:
The Hill newspaper has just broken the big news story that Barack Obama is heading to Massachusetts this weekend in a desperate attempt to save the Senate seat for the Democrats in this Tuesday's Special Election.
This comes as Democrats have just dumped MILLIONS of dollars more into the race. Check out these 24-hour filings from the FEC from Planned Parenthood, the League of Conservation Voters, and big unions:
- The very same rich, limousine liberals who complain that "rich" conservatives are funding this "right wing conspiracy" are themselves throwing MILLIONS of outside dollars into a local campaign. Mr. Brown has raised a fraction of what his liberal opponent has raised, and most has come from donations less than $100 each.
An email from Ted Kennedy's widow raised $600,000 for the Democrats. raised another $650,000+. Harry Reid, Chris Dodd & Al Franken raised another $500,000. Democrat committees dumped in excess of $1 million.
You can see it for yourself in the report here:
We must keep up our momentum and fight back against this late push by the Left.
The final deadlines for us to purchase advertising for Scott Brown for Senate is the end of the day Monday. This is it, there are no more tomorrow's - we must make our final push now!
You can make a contribution to our campaign effort for Scott Brown - HERE.
We must take action, for if we can pull out a victory, we stop the Democrats dead in their tracks in their effort to secretly ram through their socialistic healthcare plan.
That's because Scott Brown wholeheartedly opposes the Democrat's government-run healthcare plan and has made his opposition to it a central part of his campaign.
If Brown wins then he will be the deciding vote to kill the socialistic healthcare monstrosity in the Senate!
(WHEN he wins, don't let the tyrants in the senate delay is confirmation just so they can get their health care vote through!)
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