(Sharia court): We find you, Nancy Pelosi, guilty of indecency and sentence you to stoning.It’s coming, America. France and most of western Europe are only a few years away at best from being totally muslim. Because of our open borders, idiotic immigration policies, and worst of all, our oppressive political correctness, we are accelerating to catch up with Europe and will likely only be a few years behind them. That is unless we wake up and start the chemo to stop the cancer that is islam.
(Nancy Pelosi): Indecent? Who decides what is indecent?
(Sharia court): We decide. You were in public without your husband and you were not wearing a burka.
(Nancy Pelosi): I walked down the same street yesterday, and your ‘morality police’ didn’t say anything.
(Sharia court): They didn’t feel like it.
(Nancy Pelosi): I want to talk to my lawyer.
(Sharia court): Where do you think you are? In America? Oh, yes. You are in America, but we own it now. With your help we took over. You have no rights under Sharia.
I’ve talked about the historic communist agenda of destroying religion and dumbing down society in order to control them. Well, the communists in this country have nearly succeeded and in doing so have opened the door to muslim aggression.
In France in the 1600’s, the king signed a decree that made freedom of religion against the law. It was ‘Catholic or else.’ Protestants either fled the country or were burned at the stake. Now 99% of the french will tell you they are Catholic, but don’t believe in God, and hate the Catholic church. They are an amoral society centered on self-gratification. They now only give birth to 1.6 children per couple, and those children have no moral compass.
By contrast, the muslims who have immigrated to France in large numbers know EXACTLY what they believe, and are acting on those beliefs. They are also copulating and multiplying like bunnies, sometimes in excess of 10 children per family. Within the decade the French citizens will be in the minority, and sharia will likely be the law of the land. The cancer will have eaten the patient.
The idiot liberals in this country who coddle, cater to, appease the muslims have no idea what they are setting us up for. The fools like Nancy Pelosi, Hillary Clinton, and others who have gone to the middle east and made muslim PR puppets out of themselves don’t understand that THEY won’t be spared if sharia is implemented and the muslims take over. The will wear burkas, they won’t drive cars, they won’t vote, they will not be allowed out of the house without their husbands, they will have no say in virtually any aspect of their lives and will not even control their own bodies. If they are raped, they will be stoned as whores. They will not be good enough to be considered second class citizens. The Taliban will own America.
Is that what you want, Nancy? If so, please let me buy you a one way ticket to anywhere in the middle east. I think you would like Afghanistan or Pakistan this time of year. If mud huts aren’t your style, I might be able to arrange a ticket to Saudi Arabia.
http://www.wnd.com/index.php?fa=PAGE.printable&pageId=122835 Sunday, January 24, 2010
WorldNetDaily Exclusive
Shariah arrests ‘depend on policeman’s mood’
Woman talks of being charged for wearing ‘indecent’ trousersPosted: January 23, 2010; 12:25 am Eastern
By Bob Unruh
A female journalist convicted of indecency for wearing trousers in public says tens of thousands of similar arrests are made each year, and what happens is up to the “mood” of the police officer.
A Quran |
Her recent appearance on Al-Mihwar TV now has been posted online by the Middle East Media Research Institute.
Al-Hussein was among more than a dozen women arrested at the same time. While others were convicted and punished almost immediately – with flogging – her case was delayed.
When the case developed, Jonathan Racho, regional manager for Africa and the Middle East for International Christian Concern, condemned Sudanese authorities, saying flogging women “for wearing pants is both outrageous and against the dignity of the women.”
Hussein said in the interview that women frequently are arrested and punished “on the spot.”
Asked if a skirt also is considered “indecent,” she told the reporters it was up to the officer making the arrest.
“They said it was indecent. It depends on the policeman’s mood,” she said.
She also said, “In a single year, 43,000 women were arrested because of their clothing – not in all of Sudan, but in Khartoum alone, as declared by the police general commissioner.”
She also said when defendants are arrested, they have no opportunity for a defense.
“Physical violence is manifest in the punishment of lashing, which abases human dignity. Moral violence is manifest in the fact that this is called ‘indecent acts,’ and this is the reason that the tens of thousands of women before me did not have the courage to complain,” she said.
“The courts that try such cases are not regular courts. They are special courts … They are called ‘public order courts,’ but their names keep changing. In these courts, the defendant has no right to defend himself.”
She said in her case, the judge refused to allow defense witnesses to speak, and the decision was made in advance.
“Didn’t you ask [the court] what the definition of ‘indecent clothing’ is? … What is defined as ‘indecent clothing’?” asked an interviewer.
“It depends on the policeman’s mood,” she said. “The law is in the hands of the authorities.”
Hussein said while the law bans “clothing that offends public sentiment,” she was with 400 other people and, “I didn’t offend anybody.”
Hussein’s arrest was condemned by the Arab Network for Human Rights Information. The organization said it likely was revenge for Hussein publishing articles critical of the Sudanese government, MEMRI reported.
“Sudan’s public order laws are among the most discriminatory against Sudanese women. They violate several basic freedoms that should be the right of every citizen. These laws, directed against working women and female students, were enacted expressly to persecute them, humiliate them, and deprive them of freedom, and to distance them from public life. And now, the police have devised a way to use these laws against an oppositionist journalist,” the organization stated, according to MEMRI.
The ICC has said by subjecting the women and girls to inhumane and degrading treatment, the Sudanese officials violated international human right standards as well as the Comprehensive Peace Agreement signed in 2005 by the Islamic government of Sudan and the mainly Christian and animist southern Sudanese.
The ICC said the agreement said Islamic laws are “not applicable to non-Muslims.”
David Choat, the congregational affairs officer of the mission of the government of South Sudan to the U.S., told ICC, “The flogging is an imposition of Islamic values on Christians and it’s also a violation of religious freedom. This is telling us (the Sudanese people) that there are certain religions that are more important than the rest.”
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